Project management

A PHYLOViZ Project allows users to save their ongoing studies and update them as needed. It is a time-saving feature when working with large data sets and essential for efficiently sharing results, since the saved projects can then be shared. Each project includes the data under analysis, results of inference algorithms, visualization serializations and related customizations.


Right click on the dataset you would like to save and choose the option Save as Project. As you can see we’ll save a DataSet that has the isolate data integrated in the visualization.

project save

Finally you can choose where to save your project. A dialog appears if you are overriding an existing project or creating a new one with a name that was already taken in the chosen directory.

project directory


Go to File menu and choose Open Project.

project open

The next step is to find the project that you would like to load. After finding it click on Open Project.

project find

This action will open the Projects Tab where you can see your project listed and many others that were previously opened.

project tab

Now for restoring the study just right click on the project and select Load DataSet. This will open the Dataset’s Tab with your saved study.

project dataset

The project is now loaded with all the study that was done before as we can see in the following screenshot. You can check that the isolated data integrated on saving was restored completely.

project restored